You can start your attempts at any height.  You do not have to start at the opening height.

You have 3 attempts at a particular height to clear the crossbar.

Once you have cleared a particular height, you will move on to the next one.

Once their are a few competitors are left, you will be able to decide how much you would like the crossbar to move up.  If you think you cannot get a particular height, speak up and tell the official you would like to attempt a shorter height.

The person who clears the highest height wins.  In case of a tie, the person with the least amount of misses at the previous height wins.  If the misses for the previous height are the same, then the official will look to see who had the least amount of misses for the entire competition.





As soon as you get to the meet, set your mark and then go warm-up.  Always have tape and a tape-measure with you.

3 commands will be used: "Up", "On Deck", "In the hole".  "Up" means that it is your turn.

Once you hear your name for "On Deck", start taking your sweats off and be ready to jump.

Once you have completely each one of your jumps, put all of your sweats back on.


If you need to check-out to run an event, let the clerk know and get back in a reasonable fashion.  You don't want to wait to long because they could make you fault for your remaining jumps.  You don't want to get back to the long jump too quickly because you need to recover from your race.





The approach will be a J-curve.  You will not completely run parallel to the bar. 

A typical high school jumper will jump off a point that is an arms length away plus one foot from the crossbar.

They will also jump from a point that is about an arms length to the inside of the crossbar.

The higher you jump, the farther away from the cross-bar you will jump so you can acheive maximum height.

Right handed jumpers will start on the right side and jump off the left leg.

Left handed jumpers will start on the left side and jump off the right leg.




Start at your takeoff point and run backwards along the J Curve.  You will normally take 8-12 steps.

Once you have found your starting point, you will take 3 measurements from the end of the bar that is closest to you.  The measurements will make a right triangle.  Make sure you check all 3 measurements to make sure your measurements are correct.

When making the triangle the measurement from the standard to the outside will be from 9-16 feet.  The higher you jump, the further out you will be.  The vertical measurement from the standard to straight ahead will be around 60 feet. 

The measurements can be adjusted during the meet off of wind, weather, and freshness of legs.  The measurements will change throughout the year as you get stronger, become a better technician, and as we taper.

As you jump higher the radius of your curve will become greater.  The formula for finding the optimum radius is found by r = (velocity squared)/4.7.  A 5'10" high jumper will have about a 22 ft radius.

As you jump higher, you will also jump further away from the bar.






See the above diagram for the approach path.

Have a routine for your start just like you would when you shoot a free-throw.  Do something that makes you comfortable but do not do anything outlandish.

To start, pick up your toe and rock back on your heel. 

Lean forward and put your chest as close to your thigh as you can.  Your butt should be higher than your head.

Push out just like a sprint start. 

Your run must be consistent so a coach can help you during the meet.

Build your run from slow to fast.  Use proper running form and bounce off the track as you run.  Prepare your body to be able to jump vertically.  Length is more important than turnover.

You should be vertical by the 3rd step.

The approach should be very rhythmical.

You will begin trasitioning from the straight to the curve on the 5th step.  The transition from the straight to the curve should be smooth.

Your body will lean slightly inward and your feet will exert outward pressure.  Your shoulder that is closer to the bar is slightly higher than the back shoulder.




PENULTIMATE STEP (2nd to last step)


Your body should still be leaned into the inside but your body will still be in a line.

The step should be planted with your toes pointed towards the back corner of the mat.

This stride will be slightly longer than the normal sprinting stride and will land underneath your hip. 

Your foot should plant on the heel and then roll to the ball.

Your leg should drop to about a 150 degree angle.  This will cause your hips to drop.

Drive the knee forward to lead to a proper jump step.

Keep the shoulder that is closest to the bar back slightly.








Your body should still be leaned into the inside but your body will still be in a line. 

Your body will be a 45 degree angle from the bar.

The step should be planted with your toes pointed towards the back corner of the mat.

This stride will be slightly longer than the normal sprinting stride and will land in front of the hip.

Your foot should plant on the heel and then roll to the ball

Your leg should drop to about a 150 degree angle.  This will cause your hips to drop.

While jumping, you should be looking above the far standard.

Violently drive your knee up to the name on your jersey and slightly across your body.  The knee should not cross the opposit hip.

The heel of the drive knee should be pulled towards the butt.

Also drive your ams up in the air.  The arm closest to the bar should be slightly higher than the back arm.

Your body will come to vertical and start moving towards your aiming point which is above the bar.

Completely extend your jump leg and foot to cause maximum height.

Try to get as high as you can and do not worry about moving towards the bar.  A good approach and jump step will propel you towards the bar.

As you are elevating, drive the hips to the drive knee.  Try to lift them as high as possible.








Once you start going over the crossbar, tip your head back towards your shoulder and look at the mat.  Clinch your butt muscles and drive your hips to the sky.  Both of these actions will cause your back to bend.  

Do not just arch your back because it will cause your butt to drop.

Your knees will be apart and extended slightly.

Your feet will be very close together.

Your arms will be hanging at the side of your body so that the hands are near the hips.

Your body and flight path will both be a parabola.





Once you feel your hips and upper-thighs over the bar, tuck your chin into your chest so your head will be facing upwards.  TThe will cause your legs to lift and will bend you into a "V" where your head and feet are very close to each other. 







Land on your mid to upper back.

If you are jumping correctly, you might flip over after you land.

Get off the mat and do not get close to the bar or the standards. 





1.  Going straight into the bar:

     a)  Too close at take-off

     b)  Dropping the lead shoulder into the bar instead of keeping the lead shoulder higher than the back shoulder

     c)  Reversing back to the bar at take-off instead of trying to get maximum height.

     d)  Driving the knee too far across the body which will cause over rotation.

     d)  Jumping at the bar instead of up in the air 


2.  Hits the far standard or almost lands off the mat:

     a)  Taking off too far down the bar instead of jumping from one arm length from the stardard

     b)  Foot is planted parallel to the ground instead of being pointed to the back corner of the mat

     c)  Not running a proper "J" curve


3.  Coming down on the bar:

     a)  Not running off the take-off because the run has slowed down

     b)  Take-off is too far from the bar

     c)  Take-off is too close to the bar


4.  Sitting on the bar:

     a)  Not holding hips up on top of the bar

     b)  Bringing chin to their chest to early


5.  Dragging the bar off with their calves:

     a)  Not frogging legs

     b)  Not bringing chin to chest after the hips have cleared the bar.





Stefan Holm                 Stefan Holm's 6 Degrees of Jumping                        Javier Sotomayor












